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Meet Nicole

I'm on a mission to help you change your I did.


I always loved that L’Oreal ad - "because you're worth it" - but for many years, I felt I WASN’T worth it.


I always put myself down.


I prioritised everyone else’s needs over my own.


​I was my own harshest critic. Nothing I did was ever good enough personally or professionally, and I compared myself endlessly to others.


Coaching and hypnotherapy helped me learn that all these “stories” in my head were just that - stories - that could be rewritten. 


Doing that helped me overcome my overthinking. Procrastination, people pleasing and perfectionism no longer hold me back. I've found my voice - changing career and growing in confidence and above all, being happier, calmer and more present.


That's true freedom. And if I can do it, so can you.


You don't have to be perfect to be amazing

Nicole Freeman

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Who am I?

I'm a mindset coach for overthinkers and people pleasers. 


Pesky voices, stubborn blocks, limiting beliefs...whatever you want to call them, helping you remove them is my speciality.


As well as being a coach I'm also a clinical hypnotherapist, mental health counsellor, chartered accountant and business owner so I've worn many hats in my time!


I work with people like you who want to live the amazing life they deserve instead of feeling stuck, trapped by the voices in their heads.


Let's get you out there, showing the world how you shine, free from the shackles of always worrying whether you're good enough.


Because you absolutely are. 

The fun stuff 


  • My recipe won a cake competition judged by Mary Berry

  • I love spring flowers and orchids 

  • Pink fizz, G&Ts and Mojitos are my fave drinks

  • I have appeared live on Sky News   

  • I do kickboxing (badly)

  • My cookbook collection is ridiculously large

  • I haven’t eaten meat since I was 18...and that was a while ago!

  • Jigsaws are relaxing...unless the last piece is missing

  • I used to sculpt and have made heads of my two kids

  • I binge-watch a lot of rubbish TV 

The CV stuff...

In my time, I've been a chartered accountant, interim FD, consultant, full-time mum, hypnotherapist, mentor/trainer and run a family business as well as my own multi-award winning kids' cooking school. 


Some of my qualifications:

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2:1 MA History, Christs College, Cambridge

1st class MBA and top prize winner, Warwick Business School

ACA (Chartered Accountant)

Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the ICF

Senior Practitioner with the EMCC

EMCC Accredited Coach Supervisor  

Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT)

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Young Enterprise Business Mentor

Shout Mental Health volunteer counsellor (level 9 - 2,000+ hrs)

Prince's Trust Business Mentor

ParentGym coach

Microloan Coachathon Coach

DISC level one practitioner

Full DBS

Fully insured


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